Meet the Team

Salvatore Ioverno
Assistant Professor
Department of Education
Roma Tre University
Dr. Ioverno is an Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology at the Department of Education of Roma Tre University. His research focuses on school practices and policies focused on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. His research interests include the identification of risk and protective factors for minority stress, mental health, and school
achievement among LGBTQ students using cross-national methodologies.

Alexis Dewaele
Department of Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology
Ghent University
Dr. Dewaele is a psychology science scholar whose research focuses on diverse LGBTQ related issues such as minority stress, disparities on social support, and mental health, school experience of LGB youth, intimate partner violence in same-sex couples, sexual identity visibility management, and coping strategies against bias-based violence.
Nancy Papathanasiou
Co-founder and Scientific Director of Orlando LGBT+ Mental Health Beyond the Stigma.
Dr. Papathanasiou is a Clinical Psychologist, adjunct lecturer in the Department of Psychology (Panteion University of Social Sciences) and in the Department of Social Work (University of West Attica). She is also the Scientific Coordinator for the 11528 LGBT+ Helpline in Greece.
Her research focuses currently on resilience and developmental psychopathology, adaptation and well being of LGBTQI+ individuals, and her clinical interests include sexual, gender, and relationship diversity, and community psychology.

Jorge Gato
Department of Psychology
Universidade do Porto
Dr. Gato is a Researcher and a Systemic Family Therapist whose work focuses on the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals, across different contexts and life-span periods. His current research interests include the well-being of LGBTQ youth in schools, LGBTQ+ parenthood and conjugality, and how stigma affects the mental health of sexual and gender minorities. He’s the author of several courses about sexual and gender diversity issues and affirmative systemic psychology.

Kaspars Zalitis
Board member
Mozaika, Association of LGBT and their friends
Kaspars Zalitis is one of Latvia’s most prominent human rights defenders, with over 15 years of experience in activism. His work has included community outreach and support to LGBTI people across Europe, delivering security training to LGBTI activists in hostile environments, conducting hate crime documentation and organising the biggest LGBTI events in the former Soviet Union - EuroPride 2015 and Baltic Pride 2018 in Riga. Kaspars is the founder of the Latvian Diversity Charter and the Equality Index, tracking commitment and measuring implementation of diversity policies within the private sector in Latvia.
Kaspars started his professional career as an Adviser to the State Secretary of the Secretariat of the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration. He has served on the Boards of Resource Center for Women ”Marta”, and Resourse Centre for Mental Health ”Zelda”, as well as other human rights organizations. Kaspars completed studies in public relations and international relations. Currently he works as a Strategic Consultant at communications management agency Deep White and is also Chair of the movement DzÄ«vesbiedri advocating legal recognition of non-married couples.

Aleksandra Huic
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Zagreb
Dr. Huic is a social and educational psychologist, researching LGBTQ+ minority stress, school experience, intimate relationships and prejudice against LGBTQ+, as well as teachers expectations and self-efficacy connected with LGBTQ+ students and topics. She works as an associate professor at the Department of Psychology.

Roberto Baiocco
Associate Professor
Department of Developmental Psychology
Sapienza University of Rome
Roberto Baiocco is Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology at Sapienza University of Rome. His research interests are: 1) Friendship quality during adolescence and psychological well-being; 2) Family functioning and risk factors in early-adolescence and adolescence; 3) Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity during adolescence.

Angela Mazzone
Postdoctoral researcher
National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre
Dublin City University, Ireland
Angela Mazzone is a postdoctoral researcher in the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre at Dublin City University, Ireland. Her research focuses on bullying in different contexts, including the workplace, school and the cyberspace. She is interested in the socio-cognitive and moral correlates of online/offline bullying and in the contextual variables that sustain these phenomena.

Gabrielle Richard
Sociologist and researcher
Université de Paris-Est Créteil
Université du Québec à Montréal
Gabrielle Richard, PhD, is a sociologist and a researcher associated with Université de Paris-Est Créteil (France) and Université du Québec à Montréal. Her research interests are heteronormativity and homophobia/transphobia in education, queer pedagogy, inclusive sex education, as well as queer parenting.

Mieke Van Houtte
Department of Sociology
Ghent University
Dr. Van Hautte is a sociology science scholar whose research focuses on the consequences of tracking/streaming; effects of social-ethnic school composition; education and gender; the transition from primary to secondary education; teacher trust; the experience of LGBTQ students; and antisocial school behavior/school misconduct.
Elena Olga Christidi
Co-founder and Scientific Director of Orlando LGBT+ Mental Health Beyond the Stigma.
Elena Olga Christidi is a psychologist and psychotherapist and a visiting lecturer in the Department of Psychology (Panteion University of Social Sciences) and in the Department of Social Work (University of West Attica). Her postgraduate studies focused on International Medicine and Health Crisis Management and her ongoing doctoral research is on LGBTQ+ parenting. Her research and professional interests include trauma, the affirmative approach for trans youth, LGBTQI+ refugees survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Torture, kink/BDSM practices and identities.

Telmo Fernandes
Department of Psychology
Universidade do Porto
Lives and works in Porto, Portugal. Former project manager at ILGA Portugal, with a focus on community building, education, and LGBTI rights. Responsible for a GSA (gender and sexualities alliance) project and rapporteur for the Portuguese Observatory on Discrimination against LGBTI+ People since 2015. Bachelor in Sociology has recently resumed his studies with a Master in Education Sciences, focusing on school climate for LGBTQ students.

EmÄ«ls Sietiņš
Mozaika, Association of LGBT and their friends
EmÄ«ls is a volunteer at the “Association of LGBT and their friends Mozaika” in RÄ«ga, Latvia.
Starting September 2020, EmÄ«ls will embark in the Erasmus Mundus Masters programme in Public Health, with a specialization in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University College Dublin and Ecole des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP) Paris.
He has a dual Bachelors degree in Women’s Studies and Psychology, with a concentration in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience, from the University of Florida.
EmÄ«ls’ research interests are in LGBTQ+ mental and sexual health. His most recent study investigates how face disclosure on online dating profile pictures might affect HIV-risk-taking behaviors among gay men with high internalized homonegativity.

Dora Petrovic
Research Assistant
Centre for Educational Research and Development / CERD
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
Dora is a research assistant at the Centre for Educational Research and Development / CERD, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb.
She has a Master in Psychology from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. She still collaborated with the University of Zagreb on several research studies about gender and LGBTQ-related discrimination.

Miran Šolinc
Community researcher, Association ŠKUC
Miran Šolinc lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is social worker and sociologist, specialized in community mental health. He finished his Master studies in 2009 at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences. Currently he is preparing his doctoral thesis in the field of sociology of everyday life.
He has experience in community research, work with refugees, youth, HIV prevention, program development & management and advocacy for vulnerable groups.

James O’Higgins Norman
UNESCO Chair on Tackling Bullying in Schools and Cyberspace
Director of the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre
Dublin City University, Ireland
James O’Higgins Norman is a clinical sociologist and a Professor of Sociology and holds the prestigious UNESCO Chair on Tackling Bullying in Schools and Cyberspace at Dublin City University where he is also Director of the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre. He has led several significant funded research projects on bullying in schools, cyberbullying, and online safety.

Alfonso Pezzella
Lecturer and Programme Leader in Mental Health
Middlesex University London
Alfonso Pezzella is a Lecturer and Programme Leader in Mental Health at Middlesex University London. Alfonso has a strong teaching and research experience in mental health, in equality, diversity and inclusion, particularly on gender, gender identity, sexuality and LGBT+ issues. Alfonso is interested in the mental health and cultural differences of LGBT+ community and the experiences of coming out and LGBT+ and mental health issues.
Alfonso is currently leading on an EU-funded project which aims to develop a culturally competent and compassionate LGBT+ curriculum in health and social care across Europe.
Alfonso is the chair of the Sexuality and Social Work Internal Group, and he is also a member of various LGBT+ education and research groups. He is also secretary of the European Transcultural Nursing Association (ETNA).
Alfonso has a professional twitter feed @AlfPezzella where he enjoys bringing the community together and discuss topics regarding mental health, LGBT+, psychology and education.