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Additional information on the processing of your personal data


In the context of the research you are participating in, personal data will be collected from you. As a result, the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable to this research.


We would like to draw your attention to the fact that in addition to regular personal data, such as data about your age and gender, "special categories" of personal data are also collected about your religion, your parents’ religion, your country of birth, your parents’ countries of birth, your sexual orientation and gender identity, your psychological well-being and your school location.


We would like to inform you that Ghent University is the controller of your personal data processed in the context of this research. This means that the researchers at Ghent University decide on the how and why of the processing in the context of the research. Of course, they are bound by the informed consent form as approved by you at the start of your participation in the study.


These scientific research objectives and therefore this scientific research is conducted in the public interest, this means that would inform research, policy, and intervention efforts with a greater understanding of the influence of cultural and societal norms on the experiences of victimization and discrimination at school among LGBTQ students.


Your personal data may possibly be consulted by researchers and research assistants working at the FREE project within Ghent University and Dublin City University.  All staff members for the handling of personal data are bound by the 'Generic Code of Conduct for the processing of personal data and personal information.


After the end of the project, other researchers may have access to this data only if they agree to preserve the confidentiality of the information as requested in this form. Any personal information that could reasonably identify you will be removed or changed before files are shared with other researchers.


In accordance with the relevant UGent policy on research data, Ghent University and Dublin City University will retain the data collected in Ireland as part of the research for at least 5 years.  An identification number will be assigned to each participant. At the end of the data collection (in 2021, the date is to be determined), the data will be downloaded. The names of the schools will be coded into numbers. The original names of the schools will be kept in a separate file together with the identification numbers.  After 2 years from the end of data collection, the file with the identification numbers and the names of the schools will be eliminated.


During this entire period you may always:

- Ask for additional information about the processing of your data.

If your data will be for some reason clearly attributable to you, you can

- Request access to the data that is stored about you.

- Request corrections if the data is incorrect or incomplete. During the assessment of this request, you have the right to limit the processing of data about you.

- Object to the processing of your data


If you have questions about the research you can always contact Principal Investigator  Salvatore Ioverno at If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant you can contact the Data Protection Officer of Ghent University at (


You also have the right to submit a complaint about how your personal data is handled, with the Belgian supervisory authority responsible for enforcing data protection legislation:


Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit (GBA)

Drukpersstraat 35,

1000 Brussel

Tel. +32 2 274 48 00

e-mail:  contact(at)


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